

Maintaining Your Reproductive Health with a Nearby Gynaecologist Doctor

Female reproductive tract includes uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, vagina, perineum and gynaecology is a broad branch which deals with conditions related to these organs.  

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Every woman has a good 30-35 years of reproductive life, meaning the uterus goes through menstruation, follicular, ovulatory, and secretory phases month on month. The fertility rate decreases with age. What happens with the uterus is determined by the ovaries, which in turn act upon advises from various teeny tiny glands in the body that form a part of the Endocrine System. Consulting with a nearby gynecologist doctor can help you navigate this journey. (Getting advice from a gynecologist in your area can be a great help as you figure things out.)

So, it all comes down to balancing your hormones for a peaceful menstrual health. Which most of the times is ignored and disrespected. Women live with years of heavy menstrual bleeding, period pain, premenstrual symptoms, thinking it’s a normal part of being a woman. Honestly, it’s not. A nearby gynecologist doctor can provide guidance and treatment to address these issues.

Having a recklessly heavy period is not normal, and neither is not having a period for more than 2 months. Having to take off from work because one has to deal with severe period pain, curling up in bed feeling dizzy in the head, is not normal. For all you know, we may be dealing with endometriosis. Consulting with a nearby gynecologist doctor can help identify and manage such conditions.

Nearby gynecologist doctor

Fibroids are benign growths in the uterus sometimes small, sometimes huge, the size of a basket ball. Not every fibroid requires a surgery. Myomectomy as we medically call it is the procedure for fibroid removal done either through a laparotomy incision (open surgery) or key hole incisions (laparoscopic surgery)  

Endometriosis is one of the most debilitating conditions in its true form. To even diagnose someone with endometriosis, we need a surgical intervention-i.e diagnostic laparoscopy, visualise the endometriotic lesions and only then we confirm. Even though the signs and symptoms maybe pretty obvious. 

Statistics say that 10% of women worldwide have endometriosis, attributing to around 180 million women living with the condition. Identifying and treating this is especially important for women dealing with infertility as the prevalence is high in this sector of women.  

It never ends with the end of periods, rather only 20% of women experience a silent menopause, where everything seems to come to a standstill without a mess. 80% of women go through stages of perimenopause and menopause with a bang. Less than 10% of these women are educated about the associated symptoms and access the healthcare services. What about the rest? Female hormones including oestrogen and progesterone control different organs in the body and are essential for certain vital functions. With menopause, as their presence in the circulation comes down women experience wide range of symptoms, some tolerable, but some severe enough needing medical attention.  

Follow through as we write about various gynaecological conditions, after all, knowledge is power.  

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The Birthwave Obstetrics & Gynecology Clinic

Open: Monday-Sunday 7:30 AM to 9 PM
