Everybody thinks it all ends with the childbirth. Lactation is a journey of its own with its highs and lows. Probably more intense that the pregnancy per se.
Between pregnancy and lactation, pregnancy often seems to be the one that gets most importance. Reason being lactation is least explored. Atleast the gynaecologists don’t emphasise more on this. But guess what, lactation is as important as pregnancy if not more.
Lactation is a fine balance between hormones in the brain and mammary glands in the breasts. During the course of pregnancy, breasts undergo anatomical and physiological changes preparing the mum for this period. How beautiful is this, for the body to naturally prepare itself for nourishing the baby, without much effort from our side ?
From a gynaecologist’s point of view, the most common reason why women encounter problems with lactation – is the fact that psychologically they believe it’s not happening. It does make a lot of difference when you believe in yourself, trust your body and your baby, cuz they know how to do it. They are made for this. Time and again, babies have proven this to us by their mesmerising breast crawl, the spontaneous onset of latching and sucking if left alone! Intervention is what’s probably disturbing the process.
Periods of dissociation from a well established lactation journey is also common in some women. The factors which play a major role include, exhaustion, stress, nutritional deficiencies, lack of support, reflux in the baby, post partum mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
We are here to discuss everything under the sun about how to make this a beautiful, effortless journey.
Between pregnancy and lactation, pregnancy often seems to be the one that gets most importance. Reason being lactation is least explored. Atleast the gynaecologists don’t emphasise more on this. But guess what, lactation is as important as pregnancy if not more.
Lactation is a fine balance between hormones in the brain and mammary glands in the breasts. During the course of pregnancy, breasts undergo anatomical and physiological changes preparing the mum for this period. How beautiful is this, for the body to naturally prepare itself for nourishing the baby, without much effort from our side?
From a gynaecologist’s point of view, the most common reason why women encounter problems with lactation – is the fact that psychologically they believe it’s not happening. It does make a lot of difference when you believe in yourself, trust your body and your baby, cuz they know how to do it. They are made for this. Time and again, babies have proven this to us by their mesmerising breast crawl, the spontaneous onset of latching and sucking if left alone! Intervention is what’s probably disturbing the process.
Periods of dissociation from a well established lactation journey is also common in some women. The factors which play a major role include, exhaustion, stress, nutritional deficiencies, lack of support, reflux in the baby, post partum mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
How a Lactation Consultant Can Help?
A skilled lactation consultant can be invaluable in guiding new mothers through any challenges.They have the specialized knowledge to help you work through any problems, whether it’s getting the right latch, boosting your milk supply, or managing pain. With their personalized guidance and practical tips, a lactation consultant can empower you to overcome obstacles and have the positive nursing experience you want. Their expertise on the physical and emotional sides of breastfeeding makes them an invaluable partner during this journey.
We are here to discuss everything under the sun about how to make this a beautiful, effortless journey!
A lactation consultant is there to guide you on boosting or keeping up your milk supply. You can also work with them to create a personalized feeding schedule for you and your baby. They're skilled at addressing challenges, including swollen breasts and painful or cracked nipples.
Even if breastfeeding isn't actively hurting you, if you have any hesitations or worries about the process, such as not enjoying it or questioning whether your baby is getting enough, it's best to speak with a lactation consultant. Seeking their expertise early on can help address any issues and ensure a more positive breastfeeding experience.
Once lactation is established from about 2 weeks postpartum, milk production remains relatively constant up to 6 months of lactation for infants that are exclusively breastfed. Milk synthesis is not limited by the capacity of the mother to synthesize milk but rather by the infant's appetite