It is a fine balance between work, life and fun. Most of us forget to live our lives amidst the busy schedules of our careers and if its a new born mom – they almost never have any life!
Our pregnancy retreat are one of a kind, a perfect mix of health and wellness specially designed for couples in different stages of parenthood.
Couples who are trying to conceive. A 3 day – ‘take a break from the stress of getting pregnant’ retreat. Emphasising on a holistic living, building a strong emotional bond with your partner, fertility YOGA, all about fertility enhancing foods, diet and movement. Refresh and reset your journey.
Couples between 24-30 weeks of pregnancy. Led by a team of experts including a Gynaecologist, Birth educator, Nutritionist, Pelvic floor physiotherapist all working together to implant a seed of Positive Birth Experience which could be practically life changing to the couples!
Postpartum can be extremely over whelming and I see women easily getting lost in the intricacies of being a new mom, never getting to concentrate on their own physical, mental and psychological health. Keeping all of this in mind, without the need of handling it all by yourself what if we had told you that you get to go on a vacation with your gynaecologist, paediatrician (retreat involves babies, so it is incomplete without the support of a baby doctor!), psychologist, parenting expert, nutritionist, pelvic floor physiotherapist and nannies (lots of them to take care of the babies). We get to discuss postpartum mental wellbeing, recouping the possibly detached relationship with your partner, some couple yoga to rebuild the emotional attachment with your partner, lots of pelvic floor physiotherapy sessions to lose the mommy pooch and strengthen the pelvic floor. It is incomplete if we dont get you used to eating healthy, nutritionist curated meals approved by your gynaecologist!
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me for any questions!